OH, Forks! Here comes the Great Lakes Book Bash!
We’ve got another event coming up! This one’s a big one, too! We’re traveling to Michigan for the Great Lakes Book Bash in Kalamazoo on Saturday October 10th 2015! We’re taking our most loved, and most ordered, gluten free cookie recipe with us for sampling! We’re also going to be giving away a large gift basket that’s actually a Pampered Chef giant measuring bowl, filled with all sorts of OH, FORKS! Goodies, our cookbook, and two of Skye Falcon’s novels: Phoenix Rising & Phoenix on Fire! Plus a whole lot of Gluten Free for Me swag!!
We’ve got a GIVEAWAY happening on our Facebook page, too! We’re trying to get to 500 LIKES! Can you help?! Head on over to share a status, LIKE our page, or just to say hello!
Back at the ole homestead, we’ve been busily creating new recipes, and dabbling in juicing for health. We’ve made a few amazing juice blends that have over 8 different fruit and vegetables, filling your entire day’s allotment needs in just one 8 ounce serving!
Our goals are still in sight! We’re still aiming for our local farmer’s markets next summer, and continuing to offer our gluten free orderables to local Allen County, Indiana residents!
We’re working on this year’s last e-cookbook, Oh, Forks! Can it! It’s coming along very well, but we’ve slowed down a bit to ensure we’ve got the basics of water bath canning down solid for you, too. Canning isn’t super difficult as long as you have the right tools and knowledge…and we’re hoping to give you some great recipes for canning, too!