Gluten Chatter: Doctors & Missing Diseases: So, What else are they Missing about Gluten?

Gluten Chatter: Doctors & Missing Diseases: So, What else are they Missing about Gluten? ~ There has been a lot of chatter recently in the news about gluten, what it does to the body, and the myriad of diseases and diagnoses that are often misdiagnosed because of the lack of information to some doctors about gluten in general. Just yesterday, discussing gluten reactions with someone whose family member suffers from MS, and they had just gone back on gluten, because they had “no real problems, and the doctor said it was okay.” This confused me. […]

OH, Forks!™ Minor Cookbook Catastrophies

Gluten Free for Me OH, FORKS!! Cook Book Minor Catastrophes ~ As with many published cook book, books, novels, and even the occasional slip up in adult reading materials…we’ve found a few part of the cook book that were either left out, forgotten, or misprinted! This page will be updated as things come to our attention, and we’ll fix the main files and double check these issues before we print again! If you’ve tried a recipe, and something was missing or didn’t seem right, please send us a message! That said, remember that cooking gluten […]

OH, Forks!™ 14 Things we HaTe about being Gluten Free…

 10 Things 14 Things We Hate About being Gluten Free ~ I’m at that point in my gluten free living, where if I hear ONE MORE TIME that I’m doing this as part of a trend, I just may throat punch the person who said it. It’s just going to be one of my new involuntary body actions that happens when confronted with ignorant and stupid. On the flip side of things, while I haven’t indulged in some of my favorite foods for YEARS….the mere sight of them has brought me to tears more times than I […]