Welcome to OH, Forks!
We’re excited to welcome you to our new site!
In case we’ve never met, I’m Author Skye Falcon! It’s nice to meet you! Thanks for stopping by! Gluten Free for Me started out as a blog where I posted some of the recipes we were trying, mainly for my Celiac diagnosed Hooligan. It wasn’t until helping her through her own issues that we realized my own autoimmune issues were affected by gluten, grains, dairy, soy, and sometimes eggs…just like her! Making food for parties, for people, for special orders over the years, spurred me to create a collaboration cookbook in 2008, aptly called “Two Thousand and Ate!” Back in those days I wasn’t ready to leap into the great world of publications…but now, well…here I am! We’re 8 years in to our gluten free living, are now partially Paleo, too- and for the most part, we’re doing pretty well! Even better? Our recipe creations have been wide accepted, wildly loved, and begged for regularly by the masses!
Here you’ll find everything related to our cookbooks, blogs, and gluten free/Paleo lifestyle!
The LINKS tab will let you see all of the books we currently have for sale, and what’s on our upcoming list, too!
The NUTRITION LABELS tab will soon house all of the nutrition labels for our published recipes!
The ORDERABLES tab will have the information people are seeking to ORDER from us for DELIVERY or PICKUP in the FORT WAYNE, IN area ONLY!
You can reach us by using the CONTACT US feature, or by visiting our GF4M Facebook Page and dropping us a message!
The RECIPES tab at the top brings you our latest creations & recipes, and we’ll also share some of our friends, and awesome internet recipes (with proper credit given) we stumble across, too!
We LOVE FEEDBACK and will share our reviews with you on the REVIEWS tab!
Our ARTICLES will cover all sorts of gluten related, Paleo related, general healthy living information and things in the news! We’re hoping to pull in a few guest bloggers who also live a gluten free lifestyle!
Come back again, soon!
Please be patient with us while we get everything in line with this new site!