OH, Forks!™ Square Store Front How-To’s

OH, Forks!™ Square Store Front How-To’s ~ With growth in any business, comes changes and advancements to make things easier for the customer and the business itself. At Oh, Forks!, we have been working towards lots of progression and changes! One of them being our new store front through Square, who we have used for over a decade with our payment systems. We love Square, and feel that their online platform and simplicity are perfect for what we are going for. We have gotten many questions about how it works and what the process is, […]

OH, Forks!™ Elderberry Elixir Comes to our Markets!

OH, Forks!™ Elderberry Elixir Comes to our Markets!   OH, Forks!™ believes in health. OH, Forks!™ believes in your health. Eating healthy is a choice. Treating illnesses naturally, or conventionally is also a choice; and one we respect is left up to each human. The following post covers one of our new holistic elixirs that is all natural, and proven to help the body in many ways. We are working to add a few natural, holistic type mixes, aides, and treats to our product line up this year! Because our focus is health, and achieving […]

Bone Broth: Not Your Typical Stock

Bone Broth: Not Your Typical Stock By now you’ve probably heard about bone broth in some from or another. There are a multitude of flavors that “bone broth” can be, and my personal favorite is chicken. Some people like bone broth as a base for cooking, and others drink it straight- almost in shots- to help heal out guts. Literally. Bone broth has ancient components that help heal intestinal wounds, calm leaky gut, and restore GI function. Plus about twenty other things. Some people do not understand the difference between broth, stock, and bone broth. […]

What if Gluten is as Bad as They Say?

What if Gluten is as Bad as They Say? ~ It’s amazing how many people still think the whole “gluten free” thing is a fad. Some sort of crazy behavior, or something that certain people do to be difficult. There was a point in our path down the gluten free road where I did question if being gluten free was really working, or doing anything at all. Not anymore. I’ve spent years learning about the effects of gluten, damage it can do to your body and brain, and how I can avoid it as much […]

Welcome to OH, Forks!!

Welcome to OH, Forks! ~ We’re excited to welcome you to our new site! In case we’ve never met, I’m Author Skye Falcon! It’s nice to meet you! Thanks for stopping by! Gluten Free for Me started out as a blog where I posted some of the recipes we were trying, mainly for my Celiac diagnosed Hooligan. It wasn’t until helping her through her own issues that we realized my own autoimmune issues were affected by gluten, grains, dairy, soy, and sometimes eggs…just like her! Making food for parties, for people, for special orders over the years, […]

OH, FORKS! Upcoming Event & Important Nutrition Information Disclosure

OH, FORKS! Upcoming Event & Important Nutrition Information Disclosure ~ Busy! Busy! Busy! I’m preparing for this weekend big event with the Jorgenson YMCA in Fort Wayne, Indiana. I’ve almost got the taste testing list solidified (yes, there are still a few last minute decisions, I know, shocking!) and I’m waiting on one of the last table decorations to get here today! This process has been similar to preparing for a book event, but so much more involved! Assuring that banners, signage, and social media postings are done appropriate is a LOT of work! And […]