Gluten: What it does to Your Body, Symptoms & How to Test ~ Gluten can affect many people differently. Many times, no two gluten intolerance patients have the “same” symptoms or reactions from eating gluten. In fact, many doctors would agree that unless you are considered a “true celiac” patient (and this means that an iota of gluten puts you down for a week, and sicker than ever), you could probably just LESSEN your gluten intake for results. Only about 1% of our population is a “true celiac” patient. With this autoimmune disease, the presence […]
Author: ohforks
Oh, Forks! Fall & Winter 2015 Updates!
Oh, Forks! Fall & Winter 2015 Updates! ~ Hey Friends, Family & Followers! What a busy few months it has been! August and September were busy with orders, and October brought a few more events! We attended the Great Lakes Book Bash in Kalamazoo Michigan in early October! What a great time we had getting to meet other authors, and getting to talk gluten free, Paleo, and GMO-free living! As you can imagine, this is something that we LOVE hearing people talking about, and opening their minds to! In late October we attended the GFFA Fest […]
OH, Forks!™ DIY Laundry Detergent
DIY Laundry Detergent~ Sensitive Skin ~ Many times, those who suffer from gluten allergies, or intolerance, often forget about the “Extra” things that we put on our bodies. Some of these extra things like laundry detergent, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, and other things still touch our skin, and many name brands do use products that contain gluten! Chemicals, coloring, preservatives, and additives are just some of the sneaky ways that companies get it in their products. Making your own, high quality products like this is cheaper than you think, and easier than you know! Not to mention […]
What if Gluten is as Bad as They Say?
What if Gluten is as Bad as They Say? ~ It’s amazing how many people still think the whole “gluten free” thing is a fad. Some sort of crazy behavior, or something that certain people do to be difficult. There was a point in our path down the gluten free road where I did question if being gluten free was really working, or doing anything at all. Not anymore. I’ve spent years learning about the effects of gluten, damage it can do to your body and brain, and how I can avoid it as much […]
OH, Forks! Here comes the Great Lakes Book Bash!
OH, Forks! Here comes the Great Lakes Book Bash! We’ve got another event coming up! This one’s a big one, too! We’re traveling to Michigan for the Great Lakes Book Bash in Kalamazoo on Saturday October 10th 2015! We’re taking our most loved, and most ordered, gluten free cookie recipe with us for sampling! We’re also going to be giving away a large gift basket that’s actually a Pampered Chef giant measuring bowl, filled with all sorts of OH, FORKS! Goodies, our cookbook, and two of Skye Falcon’s novels: Phoenix Rising & Phoenix on […]
OH, Forks! Crunchy, Crunchy Carrots!
OH, Forks! Crunchy, Crunchy Carrots! One of the first foods we try as infants, whether we like them, or not! The crunchy, sweet orange goodness is better for you than you think! Not only do you get copious amounts of vitamin A, you’re also getting fortified minerals, too! Check out the facts we pulled together about carrots from the Gluten Free for Me blog! You’re sure to learn something about carrots that you never knew before!
The Dirt on Sweet Potatoes!
OH, Forks! Dishes the Dirt on Sweet Potatoes! It’s orange. Or purple. Or yellow. Sort of mushy sometimes, and can be found in a load of Thanksgiving day dishes. It’s shaped like a potato, for the most part, except often it’s larger than your normal white potatoes, or red. These are sweet potatoes, and up until about two years ago, I despised them! Seriously, I couldn’t even tolerate talking about them, thinking of the horrendous dishes with baked on marshmallows, bland hash, and other “great” recipes I had tried them in over the years. It […]
Welcome to OH, Forks!!
Welcome to OH, Forks! ~ We’re excited to welcome you to our new site! In case we’ve never met, I’m Author Skye Falcon! It’s nice to meet you! Thanks for stopping by! Gluten Free for Me started out as a blog where I posted some of the recipes we were trying, mainly for my Celiac diagnosed Hooligan. It wasn’t until helping her through her own issues that we realized my own autoimmune issues were affected by gluten, grains, dairy, soy, and sometimes eggs…just like her! Making food for parties, for people, for special orders over the years, […]
OH, FORKS! Upcoming Event & Important Nutrition Information Disclosure
OH, FORKS! Upcoming Event & Important Nutrition Information Disclosure ~ Busy! Busy! Busy! I’m preparing for this weekend big event with the Jorgenson YMCA in Fort Wayne, Indiana. I’ve almost got the taste testing list solidified (yes, there are still a few last minute decisions, I know, shocking!) and I’m waiting on one of the last table decorations to get here today! This process has been similar to preparing for a book event, but so much more involved! Assuring that banners, signage, and social media postings are done appropriate is a LOT of work! And […]
Our First Event is Coming! April 2015!
Our First Event is Coming! April 2015! ~ While the excitement and anticipation is steadily building, I’ve also been racking my brain trying to decide which foods to bring for everyone to sample! As with any event, there’s the standard needs of advertising and marketing…even some handouts! I’ve spent the past few weeks designing new “swag” items that I can hand out at this event! So far, I’ve designed some informational post cards, buttons, banners, bumper stickers, AND book marks! Still contemplating doing another round of recipe cards, with recipes NOT already included in the […]