OH, Forks!™ Don’t Wait- Reserve your 2021 Dates!

Hello friends & followers! I just wanted to check in with everyone, and give a reminder to NOT WAIT on reserving your 2021 dates where you might need our OH, Forks!™ goods! I do allow people to put their names on lists for any time of the year, and I will check in with you prior to said dates to keep or move your hold dates. For personal orders I do not require a deposit for holding dates, but for catering style events or LARGE ORDERS ($75++), I will ask for a $5-10 deposit. Your […]

OH, Forks!™ How we Create our Recipes

OH, Forks!™ How we Create our Recipes When I first began the Oh, Forks! Brand, I was revamping old family recipes to be made gluten free, and more “my own.” More recently and with the release of the first coil bound cookbook, I’ve really grasped recipe creation and execution very well. While most everything I create is gluten free, I do still make “normal” food, too. Not for myself, but when people request it, or for non-allergy specific orders. I enjoy creating recipes that can be altered super easily for a multitude of allergies. Whether […]

Gluten Testing: The Elimination Diet and Pulse Test

Gluten: Testing your Tolerance with “The Elimination Diet” ~ Many people who suspect they have a gluten intolerance or issue often jump right into the doctor at first symptom. Normally at that first appointment, you’ll tell the doctor your issues, give him your list of what you consider your “trigger” foods, and you’ll patiently await his diagnosis. But most likely what you’ll get, is that in order for a diagnosis for what does indeed sound like a gluten intolerance, you’ll need to keep months of a food journal first. Here’s where I would usually tell […]

Gluten: What it does to Your Body, Symptoms & How to Test

Gluten: What it does to Your Body, Symptoms & How to Test ~ Gluten can affect many people differently. Many times, no two gluten intolerance patients have the “same” symptoms or reactions from eating gluten. In fact, many doctors would agree that unless you are considered a “true celiac” patient (and this means that an iota of gluten puts you down for a week, and sicker than ever), you could probably just LESSEN your gluten intake for results. Only about 1% of our population is a “true celiac” patient. With this autoimmune disease, the presence […]

OH, Forks!™ DIY Laundry Detergent

DIY Laundry Detergent~ Sensitive Skin ~ Many times, those who suffer from gluten allergies, or intolerance, often forget about the “Extra” things that we put on our bodies. Some of these extra things like laundry detergent, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, and other things still touch our skin, and many name brands do use products that contain gluten! Chemicals, coloring, preservatives, and additives are just some of the sneaky ways that companies get it in their products. Making your own, high quality products like this is cheaper than you think, and easier than you know! Not to mention […]

Welcome to OH, Forks!!

Welcome to OH, Forks! ~ We’re excited to welcome you to our new site! In case we’ve never met, I’m Author Skye Falcon! It’s nice to meet you! Thanks for stopping by! Gluten Free for Me started out as a blog where I posted some of the recipes we were trying, mainly for my Celiac diagnosed Hooligan. It wasn’t until helping her through her own issues that we realized my own autoimmune issues were affected by gluten, grains, dairy, soy, and sometimes eggs…just like her! Making food for parties, for people, for special orders over the years, […]

OH, FORKS! Upcoming Event & Important Nutrition Information Disclosure

OH, FORKS! Upcoming Event & Important Nutrition Information Disclosure ~ Busy! Busy! Busy! I’m preparing for this weekend big event with the Jorgenson YMCA in Fort Wayne, Indiana. I’ve almost got the taste testing list solidified (yes, there are still a few last minute decisions, I know, shocking!) and I’m waiting on one of the last table decorations to get here today! This process has been similar to preparing for a book event, but so much more involved! Assuring that banners, signage, and social media postings are done appropriate is a LOT of work! And […]

OH, Forks!™ 14 Things we HaTe about being Gluten Free…

 10 Things 14 Things We Hate About being Gluten Free ~ I’m at that point in my gluten free living, where if I hear ONE MORE TIME that I’m doing this as part of a trend, I just may throat punch the person who said it. It’s just going to be one of my new involuntary body actions that happens when confronted with ignorant and stupid. On the flip side of things, while I haven’t indulged in some of my favorite foods for YEARS….the mere sight of them has brought me to tears more times than I […]

Hey, Surprise! There’s Gluten in Your Meds!

Hey, Surprise! There’s Gluten in Your Meds! ~ I know. And I sort of hope you were sitting down before you read that. It happens less frequently now than it used to, but it does still happen. Whether it’s your prescription, or your favorite over-the-counter box of cold meds, if you’re super sensitive to gluten, you should probably call the company or check out GlutenFreeMeds.com to see if it’s on their list, at the least. Maybe you’re wondering why there would be gluten in your medication? It’s simple, and sort of the same reason why […]