Gluten Chatter: Doctors & Missing Diseases: So, What else are they Missing about Gluten?

Gluten Chatter: Doctors & Missing Diseases: So, What else are they Missing about Gluten?


There has been a lot of chatter recently in the news about gluten, what it does to the body, and the myriad of diseases and diagnoses that are often misdiagnosed because of the lack of information to some doctors about gluten in general. Just yesterday, discussing gluten reactions with someone whose family member suffers from MS, and they had just gone back on gluten, because they had “no real problems, and the doctor said it was okay.”

This confused me. Of course, I don’t think removing gluten would cure all symptoms of MS….but removing an inflammatory agent from the diet of one who has inflammatory diseases seems logical. Gluten inflames things inside you that you cannot see. It inflames things that may not affect your body immediately- well, you may not notice immediately, I mean. It’s a personal decision to many, and that I would never judge, but I have to wonder if the doctor in this situation knows the full realm of what gluten does.

In my wonderment of doctors and their ability to prescribe a new pill for any new issue at the drop of a hat, I cannot help but wonder if popping all of these pills is contributing to many peoples issues, with a myriad of different things in our world.

For example, I’ve pulled myself off of many “extra” meds for cholesterol, high blood pressure, steroids- the list is endless. I was having more side effects than ever, and the main issues were only worsening. I couldn’t wrap my head around continuing to take medications that were only making me feel worse. I finally hit that point where I began to turn to functional medicine, and healing my body naturally. OF course, certain parts of my own diseases are not curable by any medication, so be clear that a cure is not where I’m going with this. Removing gluten, grains, dairy, soy, and sometimes eggs, has been the best and hardest choice I’ve made. Many of my side effects are gone, and those pills are a thing of the past.

I just can’t help but wonder if some of you out there dealing with crazy emotions, worsening body symptoms, and popping a pill for each and every ailment are really doing yourselves more harm than good. Would you know if you were? If you’re only taking into account one doctor, and haven’t researched about toxins in the body, including gluten…..are you really fully informed?

I’ll never be a professional is this area. I only know what I am learning from my own worsening issues, and that of my children. The news I received from my last doctor visit was pretty much horrible, but rather than sinking into the pit of pills and despair, I’m still fighting for my own health, knowledge, and growth.

I just wish some of my friends would consider changing their lifestyles before putting more poison into their bodies.

Here are the Top 15 Misdiagnosed Issues

IBS-Celiac Disease-Fibromyalgia-Rheumatoid Arthritis- Multiple Sclerosis- Lyme Disease-Lupus-polycystic ovary syndrome- endometriosis- migraines-cluster headaches-hypothyroidism- Diabetes- inflammatory bowel disease-mysterious digestive issues.