Gluten: What it does to Your Body, Symptoms & How to Test

Gluten: What it does to Your Body, Symptoms & How to Test


Gluten can affect many people differently. Many times, no two gluten intolerance patients have the “same” symptoms or reactions from eating gluten. In fact, many doctors would agree that unless you are considered a “true celiac” patient (and this means that an iota of gluten puts you down for a week, and sicker than ever), you could probably just LESSEN your gluten intake for results.

Only about 1% of our population is a “true celiac” patient. With this autoimmune disease, the presence of ANY amount of gluten sends the body into instant attack mode. Unfortunately not on the gluten, but on itself, trying to deal with the gluten. The attacks from continuously eating the wrong foods for anyone having Celiac’s disease can be life threatening. The villi in the intestines is destroyed over and over, making it difficult or impossible for these souls to absorb the nutrients from food that they need. Luckily, following a very strict diet of gluten free foods almost always keeps the patient on the good path of reasonable health. Celiac disease can also be linked to the start of other autoimmune diseases, illnesses, and cancer.

About 12% of other people in the United States have some form of intolerance to gluten, but their villi are not damaged.  This doesn’t mean that the person may be wrong about their gluten issues. Their symptoms could only flare occasionally, and if villi are not damaged sometimes diagnosis is more difficult. About 23% of people in the US have Celiac‘s and damaged villi. Whether you have it for sure, or your body just doesn’t like gluten, making sure that you’re on the right diet plan is a MUST. Recent tests were done that showed that deaths have occurred from gluten intolerance in those not presenting with “true Celiacs” disease (Huffington Post). Many times people begin on gluten free labeled foods, and grow to be obese due to the mass calories and fats in these “gluten free” pre-packed foods. The best way to begin is always with natural foods. Meats, vegetables, and potatoes. Fruits can be great, too!


There are some main symptoms and signs that you can watch for if you suspect a gluten intolerance. Any of these below could be signs that you have issues with gluten digestion. However, having one of these issues could also be something else. If you’re reading this, and end up having some symptoms yourself…go ahead and turn off that magic box, and call your doctor to make an appointment!


1. Keratosis Pilaris: a skin condition making one’s skin look like “chicken skin.” This happens as a result of vitamin A deficiency, and fatty acid; secondary to fat-malabsorbtion caused by gluten killing your gut.

2. Fatigue. Brain fog, or feeling tired after eating a meal that contains gluten.

3. Diagnosis of an autoimmune disease such as: Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Ulcerative colitis, Scleroderma, Lupus, Psoriasis, or MS.

4. Digestive issues: gas, bloating, diarrhea, and constipation.

5. Neurological symptoms like dizziness or feeling off balance.

6. Migraine Headaches.

7. Hormone imbalances such as PMS, PCOS, or unexplained infertility.

8. Diagnosis of chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia.

9. Inflammation, swelling or pain in your joints such as fingers, knees, or hips.

10. Mood issues. Anxiety, depression, mood swings, and even ADD.

Image from WSJ Reporting; NOT OUR PERSONAL IMAGE

How can I test to see if gluten is really affecting me?

If you’re wanting to test things our yourself, it is normally safe to do so at home. The elimination diet is one that takes one thing away at a time, for a few weeks. Then reintroduced slowly and specifically to gauge the affect it has on your body. This is a LONG process, and one that should not be rushed. If you want your doctor’s help in testing your gluten intolerance, do NOT stop eating gluten foods! You’ll need to keep eating them when first meeting with your doctor to find out how he or she wants to proceed, and which things to drop first. If you’ve already dropped it all, there’s no protein base in your body to test.

Upcoming Post:

Example Elimination Diet and Instructions

Gluten Foods: The Loud & The Silent

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